any pronouns🎀 | artist/animator/singer✏️ | i make wonderfully weird and wacky cartoon content🍭 | nonbinary⚧️ | weird, nerdy, & awkward🧁

Bridgham Gray @BridghamGray

Age 18, Enby


Joined on 3/5/23

Exp Points:
346 / 400
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.70 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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BridghamGray's News

Posted by BridghamGray - 3 days ago

i have officially rebranded to ‘HammyCake’ online

(formerly known as ‘BridghamGray’)

i cant change my newgrounds username but im okay with that lol


Posted by BridghamGray - 8 days ago

i would love to be a game developer one day. i wanna learn to code and i have original ideas i wanna make. and i have a dream game i wanna make completely thought out.

ik i’ll need to to make small little games to develop my skills, but that honestly sounds fun too

im very inspired by scott cawthon and his creative journey. and i rlly hope i can just make something at least a few people will play. one day

Posted by BridghamGray - 9 days ago

got very limited access on my discord account. i cant use discord for 2 years.

honestly discord sucks anyways, and this has happened to other ppl too. i didnt do anything wrong and i cant go back and delete messages in servers i left, so this is pretty unfair.


edit: i just made a new account lol


Posted by BridghamGray - 9 days ago

i rlly wanna make stuff more. just make art, animations, games, comics, and anything else i want. idc about sucess, i just wanna do this for fun and for the small amount of ppl who wanna see it. and im gonna be using newgrounds often to post updates on my work and post my actual art. i trust newgrounds more than any other social media so its the one im gonna prioritize.

i’ll be checking in newgrounds daily so i dont forget to check up on new stuff or post new art i make

right now im gonna focus on oc art, and im gonna make short comics featuring my ocs in silly scenarios

maybe one day i’ll get more popularity, but im not focused on that rn, i just wanna make stuff

Posted by BridghamGray - 2 weeks ago

i was working outside for my job a few days ago and didnt put on enough sunscreen so now i have this horrible sunburn and im fucking dying.

it healing now, but i gotta work tomorrow so i hope it doesnt get worse.

anyways, im seeing inside out 2 tomorrow aswell so im pretty hyped


Posted by BridghamGray - 2 weeks ago

been pretty demotivated lately but im trying to make more stuff. im working on an animated video essay which will be the first time my voice will ever be in a video. so i hope it goes well

ik it’ll probably not be the best thing in the whole world but i hope its at least decent. i hope i finish it but we’ll see

i have a small animation coming up soon, so that’ll be don eventually. wish me luck!

im trying to get my creative journey back into motion, and im very determined to make shit!!


Posted by BridghamGray - 3 weeks ago

man i rlly need to use newgrounds more, its the coolest fucking site ever i just need to actually use it. i just payed the membership just to try it out, so imma try to take advantage of that :P

gonna try to use newgrounds way more than i have been and actually make stuff myself! like animations and stuff :P

im still pretty new to newgrounds so if there’s any little secrets or cool tricks on this site i dont know about feel free to let me know!



Posted by BridghamGray - 1 month ago

hello! my name is Bridgham! im on the nonbinary spectrum and aroace spectrum! my experience is very weird and confusing and heavily nuanced, but i can confidently say i am on those spectrums! happy pride 🏳️‍🌈

i go by any pronouns now btw :P



Posted by BridghamGray - 1 month ago

i made a discord server!

if you like me as a person or my art/content, you can talk to me on my discord!

its also just a place to generally talk and just hangout



Posted by BridghamGray - May 7th, 2024

yeah ive been so unmotivated and a lot of projects i hoped to have done prob wont happen at all. i have a schedule set so hopefully i can work on new stuff and actually get it done but i need to not announce projects when i dont even know if they’ll get done